I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

- de Tocqueville 1831

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Okay, it's happened again.  Either the poles have flipped or something else bizzare has happened.  My wife has once again strayed  from the "ranch" and has written a political post.  She takes on someone from the left who calls those of us who oppose the building of  the "ground zero Mosque" , bigots.  I try not to argue with my wife.  Why?  Because she is a master at taking someone apart with words.  Don't believe me?  Check out this argument.  The guy didn't stand a chance.

Soooo, what would you like to see?  A recipe for Chicken Divan or pictures of my kid? 

Yeah, okay, I had to comment on her blog.  The following is what I had to say; I'm just glad that we were on the same side:

Hey Hon.
The phrase I used is the "liberal two step" (I think it was coined by Jon Caldera).  This argument you had with the guy would go round and round until it would be stretched beyond all recognition.  Let me just point out that calling the people who are opposed to the mosque being built at Ground Zero bigots does not refute their argument.  Look into what is happening in Europe.  There are huge Muslim communities who's leaders are calling for Sharia law to be imposed on the Muslim community.  Mosques have been built on ground taken by Muslim empires (as christians, let us not forget where the Dome of the Rock sits at this very moment).  While I agree that the Islamists willing to fly planes into buildings are a minority, there is no one who can say how big that minority is.  No one can say how many Muslims agree with the sentiment of the radical Islamists. Very few Muslims speak up in opposition to these radicals for fear of retaliation.  No one has been able to find out just who is to fund the building of the Mosque.  If it is to be the Wahabist Muslims of Saudi Arabia, then there is just cause to oppose the construction of this building.  I know that I am not a bigot.  What I am is somone who loves his country and I do not want to see it destroyed by enemies from inside or out.


The Atomic Mom said...

I will read your wife's post, and I would like your chicken divan recpie and I'm sure a pic of your kids would be fabo!

Jessica G. said...

I rarely post about politics. And after reading your wife's post, it is safe to say that I am not nearly as articulate and would have just muddled the whole response. The problem is that too many people have such varying backgrounds and experiences that you can argue until you're blue in the face and not everyone will agree. This is why I mostly talk about chocolate (but not white chocolate because it's an abomination...).

rocslinger said...

Atomic Mom, the poles truly have flipped.

Jessica, Unfortunatly, politics is where I live. I don't worry about convincing anyone I'm right, I just try to make the most logical argument I can. Is that so wrong?

rocslinger said...

Jessica I agree with you, white chocolate is indeed an abomination but I'd be careful making such a controversial statement.

Barbaloot said...

Sounds intense. I'm grateful for the people that are aware enough to discuss these issues. I try and stay updated, but if put in a situation like that I doubt I could hold my own.

Good for her!

Kerri said...

If not for being married to Mr. Political Man, I'd not be nearly as informed. Guess he can put a feather in his hat for that one!! He's a gem.

Anonymous said...

What an intelligent and articulate wife, you've got! I totally agree with her argument that if the Muslims showed any compassion, they would choose any other spot than that of the Twin Towers.
I think the liberal/left winged people often mistake the meaning of tolerance with ignorance - i.e. in order to act tolerantly against the Muslims, they are ignorant of the danger some of the Muslims produce.