I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

- de Tocqueville 1831

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jane Curtain, Please Come and Play, I promise I'll be Gentle.

9/12/09 Has come and gone and I could not be more proud of the people who participated in protests across the nation, especially those who took our message to Washington DC.  The network news agencies and newspapers that lean left reported, "Washington marchers to number in the tens of  thousands" while the London Telegraph reported closer to a million.  There is no doubt that the dominant mainstream media is in the tank for the left and Obama in particular.  I observed this media bias in 1981 when I saw the sneer on Peter Jennings' face when he had to report that laser weapons research had produced some positive results on account of President Reagan's "Star Wars Initive".  I will never forget how Jennings looked, as if he had just swallowed a lemon whole.  Media bias since then has become increasingly more obvious.  Any stories that would place the current administration in a poor light, the mainstream media (what Rush Limbaugh has coined as the dinosaur media) will not cover.  Thank God for alternative media outlets!  At the same time, stories of Republican wrong doings are treated with great aplomb. 

I, on occasion, will listen to left-leaning talk show hosts (about an hour at a time is all I can handle).  I find that listening and reading the opinions of those that oppose my point of view helps me to solidify, justify and, once in a while, readjust my opinions and arguments.  It is astounding the lengths the other side will go to discredit us.  They call us racist.  They label us as a "fringe group" and say that we do not represent a very large section of the populace.  Even when staring at numbers of protestors that put their pro-Obama support marchers to shame.  One critisim a local talk show host leveled was that the right protested about imaginary problems while the left protested about real things such as war.  He was challenged by a caller that talked about out of control spending, to which the host conceeded, but dismissed it as if it was one small problem and one that didn't rise to the same level as an "illegal war".  Besides, it was the Bush Administration that started the spending spree.  It is true that it was Bush who started it, but for Obama and Congress to continue this policy of spending our kids future in to oblivion is like firemen dumping gas onto a burning house.

What I would like to ask those who read my blog is how would you defend our side to said talk show host's charges of  "imaginary problems" (be respectful)?  I know this is like explaining why the sky is blue or grapes are sweet, but it will be a good way to strengthen your opinions and give you an excersize in critical thinking.

I will attempt to play devil's advocate (don't worry "Jane" I'll be gentle) unless there's a liberal lurker that would like to come forward and argue the other side (you would be more than welcome and appreciated as long as you're respectful).

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